
Naples (Naples) – ancient city on the northern coast of the Aegean Sea (now Kavala, Greece). It was established as a colony on the island of Tassos for the control and use of the continental IP-true and west coast in the surrounding area. This is confirmed by an island law of ⅳ century BCE, which recognizes the right of the nonpolitations born of Mothers from Thasos to be registered as residents of the island. Defense from the expansion of Philip ⅱ Macedonian Naples requested help from Athens (335 BCE). After winning by Philip ⅱ, he loses his independence that is confirmed by interruption of monetound. In Roman times it is one of the most significant ports. An old city with this name Herodotus also mentions on the Penalian peninsula. At the locality of the hills, in the dummy of the village. Source, Veles, 4 km from the village, on the fourth with the villages of Government and Nevesky Krnino, where there was probably a significant Paionian city, among other archaeological findings, an inscription from the city of Nepolis, who is now kept in the Museum of Macedonia. Not.: A. Boatkh, Toppus Insproptio Greatum, Berolini, 1825-1877. Litt.: E. Petrova, Paionia in ⅱ and millennium BC, Skopje 1999; F. Papazoglu, Macedonian cities U Roman age, Skopje, 1957. K. M.R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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