
Apple. (Malus Domestic L.) – A leading fruit culture in the Republic of Macedonia, with over 55-60% of the total fruit production. Before the Second World War, the production of apples in Macedonia was about 4,000 m year. By raising intense fruit plantations after 1960-1970, the production of apples in 1980-1985 increased over 100,000 t (1982, 130,000 t). After the independence of the state, with privatization and economic blockades, plantation plantations are abandoned and the production of apples in the social sector decreased sharply. During this period in the private sector, especially in Prespa, modern, dense plantations from apples, and production remained at 70,000-80,000 t, of about 3.6 million stems. The main production region for apples in Macedonia is Prespa, with over 65% to 70% of the total appliances in our country. It is grown at around 3,500 ha and continues with raising new intensive plantations with modern technology. Prespa is the largest product-apples of apples for apples in the Balkans. It is conditioned by the ideal natural conditions and the long tradition. B. R. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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