Iron Age in Macedonia – The Last (Prohibitory) stage of the prehistoric development of Macedonia. Time covers, mainly the first half of ⅰ millennium BC. It is divided into: early iron time (end of the XI / start of ⅹ to ⅷ c.), Middle or full iron time (ⅷ- ⅵ c.) And late iron time or a late archhay period (end ⅵ to the middle of the HE). The majority of data comes from research, mainly on the necropolises of that time, which document the unique ritual of burial with outstretched inhumulation in flat or tumulary necropolises, for all communities in Macedonia in Iron Age. Early Iron time is a period of establishing iron cultural values, based on the domestic bronze tradition, but also with expressed influences from the so-called. Hullstant culture from northwest, after destructive and migration processes during the previous so-called. Transitional period. Significant sites of that time are necropoles in: Soldier-Kumanovo, High-Berangians, Saraj-ship, eagles-old-old Karaorman, etc. The full iron time is a period of full development of local cultural values within 4 regional groups: Ohridskoskoskan, Pelagonia, Dosnovarska (Gevgelija) and Gorno and Memberard of Skopje (Skopje, Veles and Shtip). The most significant sites are the necropolis in: Volkovo, Bucincinci and Oreshani (Skopje); White coast, in Kumanovo; Sopot and Orizari (Veles); Radza, with Shtip, Bravela, in Vinica; Dedeli and Marvinci (Valandovo); Suva Reka and Miles (Gevgelija), Beranci, ship and Rapesh (Bitola). Late iron time is a period of formation of the only, so-called. Paione-Macedonian culture, with late archhae marks and with the rise of the local tribal aristocracy, with the so-called. Knezevski burials. The most significant sites of that time are the necropolis in Trebenishta in Ohrid, Radolista in Struga, Berrandi in Bitola, Zeletasist in findings from the Necropolis soldier, Kumanovo Valandovo, Gorno Field near Stip, etc. During the reign of Alexander ⅰ with the LastoMacedonian kingdom, especially during the reign of Perdiccas, Macedonia came out of its protoostoric development and the most directly included in the further historical flow of events within the early history world. Lit.: R.Vasitz, Gzoro Doba Macedonia, Prehistory Yugoslavian Zjalja, C, Sarajevo, 1987; D. Mitrevski, Prohibitory communities in Macedonia, Skopje, 1997; D. Mitrevski, prihista in the Republic of Macedonia, Tesesoniki, 2003. Dr. M.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet