Donoski, Kiril Milanov

Donoski, Kiril Milanov (Stip, 21. IX 1923) – Finder and Innovator, UNIV. Professor. After elementary education works as a farmer of the family’s property. The survival is employed in the Belgrade Foundry “Mercury” (1936) and becomes a member of the URS trade unions. With the completed three-year expert continuing education, as a mechanic (with already expressed innovative and rationalizing ideas) work in firms in Stip, Skopje and Bitola (1940-1943). After the escape of the Bulgarian army, it is included in the Macedonian Brigade of Colonel Peco Trajkov (1944). As a battalion commander, he finishes the Higher Officer Course and is referred to the Srem Front, where several times it is wounded. After returning as a lieutenant becoming the deputy commander of the Skopje military airport. At the end of 1945 has been sent to schooling at the Military Academy in Pancevo (1946). In cooperation with some of their professors, it works on the idea of ​​a reactive engine (transmitted and personally to Tito). Dissatisfied with the national status of Macedonia in the Federation, together with other Macedonian officers, is involved in a secret organization for secession of NRM as an independent state. In early 1948 They were arrested and convicted of a deed against the people and the state. After a year and a half is conditionally released from the prison (autumn of 1949) and is employed as a worker in MZT – Factory for agricultural machinery “Metal” in Stip. Feeling the need for expert overcoming of agro-technological science, enrolled at the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje (1959). As a student at the Department of Mechanization, it manages to patent several new machines and devices, including “Universal Combin with a flying work organ” for which the International Exhibition of Inventions in Brussels receives the first gold medal for inventions in Macedonia (1962). Works in factories for agricultural machinery in Sombor, Pozarevac, Zemun and Novi Sad. With the mediation of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, it is included as an associate at the Mechanical Institute of Sanu (1964). He completes the postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad. In Stip forms engineering – Organization for the design and construction of production facilities (1966). 12 production facilities in the field of metalworking and food industry were built, as well as various services, farms, greenhouses, etc. Mainly in eastern Macedonia. After the establishment of the Faculty of Economics in Stip, K. Donsky is elected professor of general technology and scientific research work. After retirement (1987) he established a Center for Promotion and Presentation of Innovation Creation in Stip. At the international exhibition of inventions in 1998 For aerocombine (with 7 functions) he received a silver medal and a noble title from the Belgian government “Knight of the inventory” (21. Xi 1999). There has been registered over 40 different inventions and a number of promotions. The work rounds up the memory book “feats on the glory of Macedonia” (1997). Lit.: Dear. P. Stefanjê, a Suspen factory Kiche, “Technico Novine”, V, 5, Belgrade, 1. ⅴ 1962, 3; Todor Jovanovski, innovations rejuvenate, “Vest”, ⅵ, 1900, Skopje, 21. X 2006. BL. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДОНСКИ, Кирил Миланов

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