Donsky, Aleksandar Ljubomyr

Donosk, Aleksandar Ljubomyr (Stip, 18. Xi 1960) – Historian, folklorist, writer, publicist and internet polemicist. After graduating from the Group History of Art with Archeology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1980), it works on projects in Stip as an independent researcher of the folklore from Stip, the Ilinden events of the Macedonian cultural and national history, especially from the ancient PE-Alexander Doni Riode . Cooperates on RTV and newspapers and magazines in the country and abroad. He is the author of several special publications. BIB.: The folk wealth of Stip, Stip, 1989; Morbid short stories, Skopje, 1996; What will happen to us after death? Supernatural echoes, 2nd, Stip, 1995/1996; Ethnogenic differences between Macedonians and Bulgarians, Stip, 2000; The share of Macedonians in the world civilization, Stip, 2000; Jesus Christ and Macedonians, Stip, 2000; The ancient Macedonian heritage in today’s Macedonian nation (first part – folklore elements), Stip, 2002/2003; Today’s descendants of Samuil’s Royal Dynasty, Stip, 2004; The language of ancient Macedonians (ancient Macedonian heritage in today’s Macedonian nation – second part), Stip, 2006; Macedonian origin of some US presidents, Stip, 2006; All Saints from Macedonia, Stip, 2006; Byzantine emperors of Macedonian origin, Sydney Stip, 2007; Today’s descendants of the Athen-Macedonian Emperor Dynasty, Sydney Stip, 2007; The secret of the copper book. The mysterious entries for the richness of Alexander the Great Macedonian, Stip, 2007/2008. Bl. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДОНСКИ, Александар Љубомиров

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