Contracts Tito Shubasic

Contracts Tito – Shubasic (1944) – Jo-Sip Broz Tito agreements, chairman of the National Committee for the release of Yugoslavia and Dr Ivan Shubasic, president of the Royal Yugoslav government. On 16. ⅵ 1944, on Oh. Vis was concluded the first cooperation agreement, with advocacy of the United Kingdom. The Royal Government recognized the provisional administration established through AVENY and has taken an obligation to organize assistance to but the army of Yugoslavia. Tito took an obligation not to ask the question of the definitive arrangement of Yugoslavia at the time of the war. In a white-city (1. XI 1944) signed a second agreement on the state continuity of Yugoslavia, King Peter ⅱ not to return to the decision on this; The royal authority to carry out royal commerce appointed by the constitutional act of the King, on a proposal from his government, and in accordance with Tito. They also agreed on the formation of a joint government of Yugoslavia from 22 line and 6 ministers without portfolical units, in that order for Macedonia. Lit.: Balkan convenient relations, ⅱ (1919- 1945), Prirodio Momir Stojkovic, Belgrade, 1988. M. Min.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДОГОВОРИ ТИТО ШУБАшИќ

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