Abdul Hamid ⅱ (Istanbul, 21. IX 1842 – Istanbul, 10. 1918) – Thirty-third-third Ottoman Sultan, ruled (31. ⅷ 1876 – 27. ⅳ 1909) and in Macedonia. At the beginning of the rule, he issued the first Ottoman Constitution (23. 1876), formed a two-political parliament and introduced reforms in favor of Christian subjects. The crisis culminated in the war with Russia, ended with the preliminary Santenfanskan (3. 1878) and with the Berlin Treaty (13. 1878). He ruled absolutist, he introduced the so-called. “Zulum mode”. The contemporaries were called “Bloody Sultan”. From power was taken down in 1909, at the time of the Young Turk Revolution. Lit.: A. N. BASCAL, Gnjnj Kurzharma Sanay ⅱ Abdonhamid’ain Stanelial Circoline, Istanbul, 1999; H. . Duda, biodegrads, Lexicon Zur Geszchitzche Tuesuropas, “Tompostauropaiszhe Arbeitite”, 75 LEEF. 1., Münzhen, 1972. J. Yan.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АБДУЛ ХАМИД Ⅱ