Geology development and today’s situation in the Republic of Macedonia. The oldest traces of the exploitation of gold and silver originate from the period of Alexander the Macedonian (Horse River – Gevgelija, Ohrid, etc.), and the use of silver and gold lead-zinc ores in eastern Macedonia intensively took place in the Roman period and especially in the ⅹⅰⅰⅰ and Ⅹⅳ c., From the experienced miners Sassi. With the performance of the Ottoman rule, mining mainly dumped and even in ⅹⅰⅹ c. It began to be renewed with the exploding of iron, lead-zinc, and later on arsen-antimonal and chrome ores. However, the first pathopian geological information for Macedonia originate even from ⅹⅰⅹ c. (1828-1870), from French Geologists Ami Buy (Ami Bowé) and A. Vikesell (A. Wellhouselnel). Towards the end of ⅹⅰⅹ and the beginning of ⅹⅹ c. Macedonia was visited by geologists from Austria, Germany, Serbia, Bulgaria and other countries, leaving research on the geological construction of Macedonia (John Zvik, 1902-1924, Franz Kosmos, 1924). With the creation of the NRM and the establishment of the Geological Institute of the NRM (1944), systematic geological research on the territory started and a number of projects were realized, which are aware of the geological-tectonic and metaphinetic construction, as well as the hydrogeological and engineering geological features of the terrain of Macedonia and are Open and developed a number of mines of polymer, iron, copper, chromium, nickel, clay, architectural and other building stone, etc. Today, Macedonia has quality geological staff from graduated engineers, masters and doctors of geology, which received their education at the Mining and Geological Faculty – Stip and other university centers in Europe. N. Dum.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet