
Bucim – a copper ore mine (TZU), which occupies the northern parts of the Bucim Ruden region. In the geological construction of the Buchim site, mainly overkembrian metamorphic rocks (various types of gneisses and amphibolites) and tertiary vulcanits (Andesites and Latito-Andesite). The site has been established copper mineralization of porphic type, localized in 4 ore bodies (central part, Bunardzik, Tavern and Checkar). In particular, the three You-Well of Copper Mineralization should be highlighted: primary (central part and budgetary), superge mineralization in the oxidation-cementary zone (knick) and mixed. The content of the main ore metals is on average: 0.3% CZ, 0.35 g / t AU, 1 g / t ag, then increased content in the ore, PT, PD, I would, etc. Main ore minerals are: pyrite, halcopite, energy, bournament, cavelin, molybdenity, halcosine, etc. Lit.: Vanco Chifliganec, Roues and Maker in the Republic of Macedonia: Types and reonization, special review of the Porfir Rudiste of Copper Bucim, RGF., Special edition no. 1, Stip, 1993. T. Sir. BK “Bucim-collar” by Radovish

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БУЧИМ

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