Ibragimov, Mogamad (Makhachkala, Dagestan, Russian Federation, 22. ⅵ 1974) – Boxer. Typing about Azerbaijan became a two-time European champion. He is a citizen of Macedonia (since 1997). He performed for BK “Bucim – collar” from Radovish. He performed for the representation of Macedonia at the Tehran World Cup (Iran, 1998) and won silver, at the European Championship in Minsk (Belarus) Golden and the Sydney Olympics (Australia, 2000) Bronze Medal. Elected as the best athlete of Macedonia (1998 and 2000). D. S. “Ibraim-Ozza” – Macedonian Male People’s Oro in Rhythm 13/16 (3, 2, 3, 3, 2). Holding hands is for shoulder. The pace is moderately quickly, with distinct balances of the body and peaceful and measured steps. The instrumental tune accompanying the dash is actually the melody of the song in which the Ottoman Robam Obraim Odja is Open. Lit.: Mihajlo Dimoski, Macedonian People’s Order, Skopje, 1977, 206. F. M. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИБРАГИМОВ, Могамед