Zografski, Tomislav (Veles, 29. 1934 – Skopje, 14. ⅰ 2000) – Composer. Composition studies ended at the Music Academy in Belgrade (M. Zivkovic, 1961). Since 1967 By the end of life, he is a professor at the Faculty of Music in Skopje. He is one of the most prominent representatives of Macedonian contemporary music. In its first creative stage, under the influence of S. Prokofiev and I. Stravinsky, first in Macedonian music, introduces elements of musical neoclassicism. In the further compositional development, Z. It accepts a more modern way of musical expression, demanding their own expression in current musical currents, but retaining, in transformed type, and elements of the previous period. In vocal-instrumental works of this period, the author’s address of the Macedonian secular and spiritual musical tradition is characteristic, as a source of creative inspiration. Z. is the author of works of more musical genera. He seizes the tonal arrays of traditional Macedonian music, for example. In the “entries” cycle for deep voice and piano (1963), Ed-but from the most disturbed works in his opus, where he includes fragments of the Byzantine-Slavic legitime of Macedonian soil, i.e. Melodian fragments of the so-called. Papadico singing of St. Jovan Kukuzel of ⅹⅳ c. In the same style, the oratorium “Monta Kirelue and Methodius” was written, for bass, recitator, choir and orchestra (1969). Among the author’s chambers of the author stands out “Essay of the Rain”, a cycle for a high voice and orchestra (1982). B. ORT.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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