Zografski, Dimche (Veles, 27. 1898 – Skopje, 3. ⅵ 1985) – Activist of VMRO (OB) and Society. He was a member of the communist youth of Bulgaria (1919), and then became a member of the CPY (1920), secretary of the IMD of the CPY in Stip (1923) and a member of the PC district of the CPY for Macedonia (1926-1927), which is why He was arrested and convicted (1927-1932). He was later a member of the VMRO district committee (OB). In the time of NOSAVM was a member of anthrow. The Bulgarian authorities were interned in Upper Jumaja (1944), and after returning he was a member of the Executive Board of the illegal city of NO Skopje and a member of ASNOM. After the liberation, he was president of the City People’s Board of Skopje (1945-1947), Minister of Forestry, People’s Health and Social Policy and the Republic MP. BIB.: CPY and VMRO (united) in Vardar Macedonia in the period 192030, Ini, Skopje, 1974 (with co-author); City National Liberation Board of Skopje, November 13, no. 3, Skopje, 1964. Lit.: Dimce Zografski, “Nova Makedonija”, Jeli, 13781, Skopje, 4. ⅵ 1985, 3. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЗОГРАФСКИ, Димче