Young Macedonian bookcase of Sofia

Young Macedonian banknowing company in Sofia (1891-1892) – one of the most important literary-cultural and national political associations of Macedonians in ⅹⅰⅹ c .. Formed as “friendship” at the end of 1890. of young Macedonian intellectuals (mainly students), former refugees from Exarchaki schools in Macedonia and Serbian schools in Belgrade (D. Gruev, P. Popars, D. Mirchev, N. N. N. N. N. N. Dekov, Hr. Pepperse, etc.) . In March 1891 The friendship is broken by the authorities, and some of the members were arrested, others fled to Macedonia, and third at the end of the year, together with other intellectuals, form the IMKD (Mr. Balazchev, P. Potarus, K. Shakov, D. Mirchev, Hr. Peppersev, N. Dekov, L. Jovod, etc., and close to them were the students in Sofia D. Chupovski and V. Chernodrinski). From January 1892 It begins to issue its body SP. “Loza”. The associated headline of the magazine “Vine” (1891) is attacked as a separatist, because the magazine is printed with an simplified alphabet (without the Russian Slovenian grafts, ó, ÿ, <, í, ý, voice "The macro" from P. Popars is also used for soft consonants K ', G', H '), with a phonetic spelling and a rather Macedonian language (with, in, dream), but also with texts for the Macedonian cultural, national distinctiveness. After the attacks on "national separatism" from the official "Svoboda", four numbers of the magazine "Loza" ceases, the members are arrested, interned, soldiers (although Turkish citizens), and some of the escaped in Macedonia become the founders of the MoR (Thessaloniki, 23. x 1893). After two years, another 2 numbers of the SP are published. "Line", but already as an authority of the new young Macedonian company, headed by K. Shakov, with another editorial and linguistic conception. Lit.: Dr. Blaze Ristovski, the Macedonian people and the Macedonian nation, and Skopje, 1983, 469-602; The same, Macedonian Chronicle. Gains of literary and national themes, and, Skopje, 1993, 42-122. Bl. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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