Winkic, ahead

Winčić, Livista (Kraguevac, Serbia, 27. ⅹ 1930) – archaeologist and conservator. Archeology finished at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (1959), where he and the Master’s Degree (1980) and defended the doctoral dissertation (1992). He works as a conservator in the Republic Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments in Skopje (1961-1995). Participate and manages many protective research and conservation efforts (Stobi, Isar Marvinci, stomaches, etc.). BIB.: Skopje Fortress “Kale”. Position and description, “cultural heritage”, ⅲ, Skopje, 1966, 24-46; 1000 years antiquity in Tikvesh, Negotino, 1996. D. Z. Vis – the headquarters of the military-political leadership of Awnj

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВИНЧИЌ, Живоин

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