Vojukevich, Louis (Lewis Tues) (ⅹⅰⅹ c.) – Polish immigrant, Major. He was a teacher in Veles. He participated in the Kresena Uprising (1878/1879) as the duke of 250 rebels and was a member of the Macedonian uprising uprising. After the expulsion from the ranks of the rebels, he returned to Bansko and became a member of the Military Council and one of the heads of the dismantling uprising. He participated in the killing of Duke Stoyan Karastov and in the temporary closure of the chief of the headquarters of the Macedonian uprising Dimitar Pop Georgiev-Berovski. Lit.: I. Kacarov and I. Kepov, documents after the Kresna Inclusion, Sofia, 1942. Al. TR.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВОЈТКЕВИЧ, Луј