Volnaroski-Colossa, Krume Ickov (Prilep, 1909 – Prilep, 9. 1944) – Balk, Communist Deper and People’s Hero from NOVM. As a CPY sympathizer, he actively participated in the collection of red help; He became a member of the CPY (1941) and worked in the MK party of the CPY in Prilep, and as illegal in Prilep villages he collected folk assistance and established military committees and NOO (1942-43). As a secretary of the UK of the CPM (at the end of 1943 – 9. ⅴ 1944), he participated in the activities for election of delegates for the first session of ASNOM. Together with the Carrier Kire Gavrilovski, the house was surrounded by about 100 Bulgarian police officers. Only six times rejected the lecture offer. They managed to kill one and early two Bulgarian police officers. The occupying forces managed to ignite the building and after a fierce armed shootout, so as not to fall alive in enemy hands, decided on self-sacrifice. He was proclaimed a folk hero of Yugoslavia (11. ⅹ 1953). Lit.: Koce Thessaloniki, Volorovski ICKO Krume-Cola, folk heroes from Macedonia, Skopje, 1973, 82-89; K (Release) Popovski, live torches for freedom, death of folk heroes Kire Gavrilovski-Jane and Krume Volorokoski, “Vecer”, Jjdi, 7707, Skopje, 9. 1988, 6. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВОЛНАРОСКИ-КОЉА, Круме Ицков