Vidmar, Josip (Ljubljana, 14. 1895 – Ljubljana, 11. 1992) – Slovenian critic, essayist and playwright, prime and politician. He studied philosophy and literature at several European universities, and graduated in Ljubljana. In the time of the First World War he was captive in Russia. He was a longtime playwright of on-Josip Vidmar, a native root in Ljubljana (1934-1942), after which he crossed into illegality. He was one of the founders of a preliminary front in his home (27. ⅳ 1941), member of the Executive Board and then president (14. ⅰ 1943 – 27. ⅳ 1953). A delegate was present at the second session of Awnj, President of SOS (from February 1944), president of the Council of the Peoples of the National Assembly of the FNRJ (1945-1953), President of the Presidium of the National Assembly of Slovenia and a member of the Presidium of the Federal National Assembly (until 1952). For several years he was a full-time professor of theory of the drama (1945-1950), and then director of the Institute of Literature at Sanu (1950- 1964). He was elected Honorary Doctor of Literature at Ljubljana University (1966), a full member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, a member of the MANA outside the working composition (25. 1969) and all academies of sciences and arts in Yugoslavia. He translated from English, Russian and French. His bibliography has 784 bibliographic units. BIB.: Cultural problems Slavins, Lyubljanna, 1932; Dock, Lyubljanna, 1968. Lit.: M. Breaker, Jeanh’s Arts Chovjek, Kneiga and World, Yves, Zagreb, 1960. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВИДМАР, Јосип