Vidic, Velvinje.

Visic, Velvival (Cachak, 1918 – Belgrade, 3. 1992) – A member of the youth and communist movement. A political worker and diplomat. He was a member of the 1938 and the CPY since 1939, and then secretary of the PC of the SCO for Macedonia and a member of the PC of KP in Macedonia since 1940-1941. He was a participant in New Serbia since 1941 (Vojvodina), and political duties. After the war, the PC secretary of the CPY for Vojvodina and performed various duties in the CPY / SKJ of Serbia, and is a member of the presidency of the CC of SKJ. In the diplomacy of SFRY was until 1972. He was a member of the SFRY presidency (1972-1974). Lit.: Small Encyclopedia – Education, and, Belgrade, 1978, 333. M. MIH.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВИДИЌ, Добривое

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