Vichy schools in the Republic of Macedonia – Type of higher education institutions that do not exist in the current education system of the Republic of Macedonia, but in the past played a significant role in the empowerment of senior professionals for the needs of the economy and social activities. Studying in them lasted 2 years (4 semesters). The first such school in the Republic of Macedonia was the Higher Pedagogical School (VPS) in Skopje, established by the Government’s Decree of the NRM (17. IX 1947), as an institution of the Ministry of Education, with the task “to train teachers for the lower classes of secondary schools and the Higher Schools Primary schools and educators for homes and internships “. Until 1957 She was the only High School in the Republic of Macedonia. In the next few years, three more such schools were opened: Higher administrative school in Skopje (1957, works until 1964), Visa Traffic School in Skopje (1958-1961) and VPS in Stip (1959). Higher education experienced particularly intense development after the adoption of the Law on Establishment of Vichi Professional Schools (1960), when for only one school year (1960/61) 6 such schools were opened: the High School of Social Workers in Skopje (later integrated towards the Faculty of Philosophy) Vichy agricultural schools in Bitola and Strumica and senior economic schools in Prilep (in 1972 grows into a high economic school), in Tetovo (stopped in 1962/63) and in Kumanovo (stopped in 1962/63). In 1961 Visa technical school in Bitola, Pedagogical Academy in Bitola (1964), the High School of Physical Education in Skopje (1965), in 1970. Visa catering tourist school in Ohrid (All 4, then grow into faculties). With the Law on High School in the NRM (1961), the higher schools, which until then worked outside the university, became its integral part. Lit.: K. Cambera, from primer to university, Skopje, 1994. K. Camb. Boris Vishinski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВИШИ ШКОЛИ ВО РМ