Velichkovski-Erebica, Dimce Jovcev (nickname Barutana) (Kumanovo, 1907 – p. Minutino, Kumanovo, 17. ⅹ 1941) – Shaper, Communist Dean and Price. He became a member of the trade union branch office workers and a member of the SCO (1924), and then a member of the MK of the Kumanovo (1925). In the party failures of the members of the CPY in Kumanovo (1929), together with other 14 activists, he was arrested on serving the military term in Krusevac and implemented in Kumanovo, and at the trial in Belgrade (January Veljanova Dimce Velichkovski-Earbica 1930) was sentenced to the 7 years. He served the verdict in the criminal office in Sremska Mitrovica together with a larger group of prominent Macedonian revolutionaries, where he participated in the 16-day hunger strike. There he was close to Mosha Pijade. After returning, he continued with the party activity, which, together with 20 other Kumanovo Communists, was interned in the intermediate at Ivanjica (1940). After the April war (1941) he returned to Kumanovo and became a fighter of the Kozjak NOO (12-17. Ⅹ 1941). When breaking the Department of the Bulgarian army and the police, he was captured when conducting killed. Lit.: Pance Mihajlovski, Dimce Erbica before the class enemy, forty years 1929-1935, ⅱ, Skopje, 1961, 467-468; Memorial Collection of the dead fighters of new and victims of the fascist terror from Kumanovo and Kumanovo 1941-1945, Kumanovo, 1976, 23. S. Ml. Liljana Veljanova
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВЕЛИЧКОВСКИ-ЕРЕБИЦА, Димче Јовчев