Union for Prevention of Alcoholism, Nicotinism and Arco of Macedonia, Skopje – Social, Voluntary, Social-Humanitarian Organization with educational, educational and health objectives for primary prevention of alcoholism, nicotinism and drug addictives. The all-gaseous name brings since 1991, and by then, there was an union of organizations for suppression of alcoholism, drug addicts and nicotinism in Macedonia. The beginning of the existence of the Union dates back to 1952, when an organization against alcoholism was formed, and later nicotinism and drug addicts, and among the first in Macedonia, it begins to emphasize the prevention of AIDS. The alliance has 17 basic (municipal and regional) organizations. The seat of the Alliance is in the House of Humanitarian Organizations “Dare Dzambaz” in Skopje. Organize and implement a broad preventive activity against dependencies in several groups of the population, primarily between children and youth; coordinates the activities of interested and responsible factors working on the same or similar activity; It acts independently in close program coordination and cooperation with numerous relevant NGOs, bodies, organizations and institutions; It acts on strengthening public awareness of the truth, dangers and consequences of dependencies; organize and participate in performances of mass media and other forms for permanent and current information; performs publishing activity; There are educational and congressional activities; It submits initiatives for legal and other regulations and activities. The basic project of the Alliance is “peace and health without tobacco, alcohol and drugs” that is realized continuously for 15 years. The alliance cooperates with related NGOs, with the Macedonian Orthodox Church, with the Macedonian Orthodox Church, the local self-government and local communities, with the covenant of scouts, sports organizations and several economic and production organizations. The form clubs of treated alcoholics emerged from this Union and today they function joined as an alliance of clubs of treated alcoholics. The alliance has more than 1200 registered members. D. D.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet