Twenty-first Macedonian National Liberation Brigade

Twenty-first Macedonian National Liberation Brigade (Last Dol, Berovo, 19. ⅹ – December 1944) – Military Unit of New and Pom. It was formed by about 700 fighters – a battalion of the fourth Macedonian but brigade, part fighters from the Macedonian But Brigade “Goce Delchev” and newly arrived fighters. It was in the composition of the Fifty-First (Macedonian) division of Novj and the final release of Macedonia, acted in Strumica. After several days of retention in the liberated Strumica (5-11. XI) received an order to provide the border belt towards Greece, and one battalion to deploy with the village. Mooney (15. Xi – The first days of December 1944). Then he was already counting 1524 fighters (30. Xi 1944). Later the capital of the brigade entered the reorganized fifty (Macedonian) division of Nova, and a battalion in the eighth (Macedonian) division of the prince. Lit.: Boro Mitrovski, the combat actions of the units of a new in the Strumica region in the period September-November 1944 and the German documentation in relation to them, Strumica and Strumica in New 1943-1945, Strumica, 1983; Dr. Marjan Dimitrievski, Macedonian army 1944-1945, Skopje, 1999, 137-138. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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