Trajcevski, Todor (Stip, 3. ⅷ 1954) – Composer, Arranger and Harmonica. He was employed (1983) in the People’s Orchestra of MRT, ACC became his head (1988). He is the author of many songs (about 200), arrangements (over 400), as well as instrumental compositions for a major national orchestra (“Folk puzzle”, “Whose Girl”, “Me Almond Tree”, “Kinissala Rosa” , “Vardar Vardar Oro” IDR.), Inspired by the folklore heritage of Macedonia. He wrote classical compositions (mainly for Trombone and Pavator, in cooperation with Duo Fishus). The permanent participant of almost all festivals in Macedonia. M. Cole. Transdafilovski, Nicholas.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТРАЈЧЕВСКИ, Тодор