Trajanov, Goga.

Trajanov, Goga (Prilep, 25. ⅲ 1922) – Opera Peshev, Tenor. Singing taught at prof. Beteto in Ljubljana. In the opera of the MNT works as a soloist from 1951 to 1983. In his tray, he made more than 15 major and more smaller roles than the standard and domestic opera repertoire. He visited in Serbia, Slovenia, Polish, Romania and Germany. It is characteristic of his strong and brave metal colored voice. Significant Ullog: Abdo (Nabucco), Duke of Mantova (Rigoletto), Don Jose (Carmen), Yichen (Bride sold), Mario Kavarados (Toska), Pinkelleton (Madame Betterflay), Polon (norm), Su Chongs ), Gavril Radomir (Tsar Samuel). F. M. Paul Trajanov.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТРАЈАНОВ, Гога

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