Toranica – PB mine, ZN ore, located in the northern parts of the Raun Sasa-Toranica, on the mountain Osogovo. The geological construction of the site participates rocks from the metamorphic complex (gneiss, quartz-graphite shales, etc.) and tertiaric volcanites (quartzlatits). The series of quartz-graph miners in the mine “Toranica” Toranica shale is of special importance, because it is the largest part of the lead-zinc weapon. The content of the main metals in the site is on average: 5% PB, 3% ZN, 20g / T AG. Main ore minerals and leaders of lead-zinc marveline are the galent and understery, followed by pyrite, pyrotin, magnetite, self-doubt bismuth, bismatut, halcopite, energy, etc. The site according to the genetic conditions of occurrence belongs to hydrothermal metashamic sites in the scanning, or is often eliminated in the Group of Scarnavian deposits of lead and zinc. Lit.: Todor Serafimovski, and M. Aleksandrov, sites and leads of lead and zinc in the Republic of Macedonia, special edition no. 4, RGF. Shtip, 1995. T. Sir.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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