
Timmishte – Fe ore mine, located on the eastern slopes of Mount Bistra. It is a characteristic representative of volcanogenic-sedimental iron deposits. It is localized in a volcanogenic-sedimentary environment built of different types of rocks, wherein the mine mineralization is limited to the productive horizon with a thickness of more tens of meters. The power of the ore layers is several centimeters to more than 20 m. Regarding the mineral composition in deposits, the presence of silicon of iron and siderite is noted. The primary mineral composition of the operation under the influence of later metamorphic processes and tectonic crucials suffered intensive changes, so the deciphering of the primary type of appearance is often difficult. The content of Fe in the ore is moving in a range of 32 to 37% Fe. Lit.: D. Smilkov, Methanogenians Rone Zone Timiste, West Macedonia, RGF, Belgrade, 1994. T. Sir.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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