Threatened or affected types of animals – depending on the number and status of their populations in the natural range of dissemination, included in one of the categories of the International Union for Nature Protection (IUCN): Critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable. The reasons for the disappearance of the species, as well as the reduction of their populations are related to human activities, but there are global factors, such as climate change, the succession of ecosystems (especially the water and forest), the changes in the ozone layer, some gab pandemics etc. Macedonia has not yet developed a national red list and a red book of affected types of animals. For these reasons, in the “study on the state of biological diversity in the Republic of Macedonia” and “Strategy and Action Plan for the protection of the biodiversity of the Republic of Macedonia”, the degree of endangerment of faunist species of vertebrates is defined according to the European Red List of ‘ vertebrates. Out of a total of 506 types of vertebrates registered in our fauna, 113 species (30 fish, one tractor, 66 birds and 16 mammals) are included in the category of endangered species, which represents 22.3%. As the most endangered group of animals, fish are distinguished, where out of 58 autochthonous types, 30 are included in the category of endangered, or 51.7% of the overall Ihthtyofauna. With the preparation of the national red list, the number of endangered species will be partially amended and expanded, with the inclusion of other affected species that are not covered by the European Red List. This is thought, above all, on separate endemic taxa on a national and regional level, as well as types whose distribution araleals end in Macedonia. The border populations of these species are extremely reduced and sensitive to any environmental changes in their natural habitats, which is why their protection is imposed as an imperative. Lit.: S. Petkovski, Faunal Diversitis, in: County Study Fort Biodelysitis off the Republic of Macedonia (FIRST VATHAL REPORT), Ministry of Environment and Piisisal Planing, Skopje, 2003; Europian Order leaf off vertebrates. And Joent Project Betneten Thae Tujel of Europa and Tekhe European Environment Agencha, Tezhe European Turtic Molez Center UN Great Procedty and Biodice, Paris, 2002; J. E. M. Baylley, C. Hilton-Thallor, and S. N. Stoart (editors), 2004 IUCN Red sheet of Tchreatine Species. A Global Specias Assessment, Gland-Camwrudge, 2004. St. P. – V. Sid.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet