Thessaloniki Congress of TMORO (1903) – General Congress of the Organization, which was made the decision on lifting the uprising in Macedonia in 1903. The Congress was convened by Ivan Garvanov (as president of the Central Committee) with a written notification of 24. ⅹⅰⅰ 1902 / 6. And 1903. Congress was held on 2-4 / 15-17. And 1903 In Thessaloniki, with 17 participants: Members of the CC Ivan Garvanov, Spas Martinov and Dimitar Mircev, and delegates: Hristo P. Kocev, Todor Lazarov, Nikola Petrov, Velko Dumev, Lazar Dimitrov, Hristo Vlahov, Ivan Sapinarov, Nikola Hrlev, Dimitar I came, Todor Pekov, Dimitar Ganchev, Ivan Ingilizov, Anastas Lozananchev and Georgi Varnaliev. Chaired I. Garvanov, and the secretary was D. Mirchev. The leading figures of TMORO were not attended and there was no proportional representation of the districts. On the proposal of I. Garvanov, with support from Anastas Lozanchev (delegate from the Bitola District), Congress made a decision on an uprising in 1903, without determining the date. Against Bill Lazar Dimitrov (delegate from the Russian District). Due to the way of convening and holding the Congress, the legitimacy of the decision for the uprising was disputed. Lit.: Vanco Gjorgiev, Thessaloniki Congress of TMORO since 1903 and the question of uprising, history, 1-2, Skopje, 2004. V. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet