The flag of the Republic of Macedonia

The flag of the Republic of Macedonia. 11. ⅷ 1992, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia adopts a law on the flag of the Republic of Macedonia, according to which the flag of the Republic of Macedonia is “red with the golden-yellow sun, the sun is 8 primary and 8 secondary sun rays, mildly bold in the first half, intermittent and symmetrically arranged around the solar disk, the basic solar rays are directly separated from the solar disk, and the ultimate outer length of all 16 sun rays coincides with the outer periphery of the sun, the diameter of the solar disk is one Sevent of the width of the flag, the ratio of the diameter of the The solar disk and the length of the basic solar beam is 1: 2, and the ratio of the length of the secondary and basic solar beam is 7: 8, the center of the sun coincides with the point in which the diagonals of the flag are cut, the ratio of the width and length of the flag is 1: 2 “(the popular sunshine / verbina. After the signing of the temporary consent for the normalization of the relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the WG (13. IX 1995), due to the insistence of the WG for changing the flag of the Republic of Macedonia, (appropriating exclusive “right” on the use of the symbol of Kutles / Vergina by the WG and His abuse in the context of the name dispute) of 5. ⅹ 1995 The Assembly adopts a new law on the flag of the Republic of Macedonia, according to which the flag of the Republic of Macedonia is “red with the golden-yellow sun with eight sun rays that extend from the solar disc with expansion to the edges of the flag, the sun rays cross the diagonal, horizontal and vertical, The diameter of the solar disk is one Sevent of the length of the flag, the center of the sun coincides with the center in which the diagonals of the flag are cut, the ratio of the width and the length of the flag is 1: 2 “. T. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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