The Constitution of the Ottoman Empire

The Constitution of the Ottoman Empire (1876). The first constitution in the Ottoman state was prepared by a state commission headed by the Great Vizir Mithadpasha (17. H & 17. ⅹⅰⅰ 1876), confirmed by Sultan Abdul Hamid ⅱ and entered into force after the announcement (23. ⅹⅰⅰ 1876), at the time of maintenance In Constantinople at the European Reform Conference on Turkey. The Constitution has 119 members and 12 departments: Ottoman Empire, Public Rights of Ottoman Citizens, Ministers, Officials, People’s Representative Offices, Senate, Judicial Authority, Finance, Vilaetti and Final Provisions. Soon after passing is also suspended (5. ⅱ 1877), and the great Vizir Mithad-Pasha is replaced and tormented in Yemen. The Constitution again comes into force after the Young Turk Revolution (July 1908), when the Turkish army from Macedonia enters Constantinople and forces the Sultan to introduce it. Stronger support The Constitution received the mass gatherings of the military and citizens in Thessaloniki, Bitola, Skopje and Seres (20 & 23. ⅶ 1908) and applied until 1921. In the comparative constitutional right is known as “Mithad Pashin Constitution”. Formally decided on the compliance of the building of the Federal Assembly in Belgrade where the Constituent Assembly of the GPJ building of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia in Skopje, where the constituent assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, it looks western European, but in the essence it follows the old Ottoman rule, without a real division of power. Lit.: Ottoman Constitution, Constantinople, 1876; Josepch outside Hammer, Historia Turkochech (Osmannog) kingdoms, 3, Zagreb, 1979. St. w.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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