The Battle of Ravow

The Battle of Raven (16. ⅴ 1944) – The Viling Partisan Squad “Nikola Parapunov” led by the Deputy Political Commissioner of the Demination of Georgi Topalov was discovered and surrounded by a number of police and gendarmerial forces. In the fight killed Mr. Topalov and 3 fighters, 2 were wounded and captured and then hung in the village. Belica, and 1 in the village. Dolno Degrad, while others 2 captured were slaughtered. In the battle, 9 fighters were killed. Lit.: Georgi T. Mabbev, the Vreorgan Struggle in Pirinski Kraj 1941-1944, Sofia, 1966; The “Raven”. Belica Krepost of communeme in Pirinski Kraj, a cushion of articles, memories and treatment, Sofia, 1967. V. Nd.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БИТКАТА КАЈ РАВЕН

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