The battle of Kajmakchalan (17. IX – 3. ⅹ 1916) – a battle between the Antanes and the armies of the central forces. The Serbian army attacked the Bulgarian determined positions (17. IX) and a man’s struggle. The Bulgarian army executed a counter-attack (26. IX) and again occupied the positions. The Serbian army made a new strong attack (30. IX), conquered Kajmakchalan, and then (3. ⅹ) and the positions of the gray bank and the Stark’s tooth, so the Bulgarian forces were forced to withdraw to Crna Reka. C. ST. After the battle of the units of DAG and the Greek government army (Kajmakchalan, 1949)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БИТКАТА НА КАЈМАКЧАЛАН (17 IX 3 Ⅹ 1916)