The Aquipe in Skopje

The aqueody in Skopje – was 12 km long, starting with the Captors in the village. Deaf, west under Gradiste. Furrow and s. Gorno Orizari, between Vizbegovo and Shuto Orizari, under the eastern slope of the hill at the Ilinden barracks, along the street. “Dijon” towards the eastern foot of the Skopje Calais. In Turkish account in Skopje (ⅹⅴⅰ c.), Time supplied with water numerous hammams and mosques of the medieval city of Skopje. The preserved part bridged the Doll of the r. Serava, north of the hill on which the “Ilinden” barracks is located. Now it is 386 m long, with 55 massive walled arches (wide 4.5 – 5 m, high to 6 m) and with two stages of water transfer. The first phase is a walled quantity of a fourth section (0.8 x 0.9 m), and the second phase is ceramic pipes (1,34 m long, with diameter 0.23 m from outside and 0.20 m from the inside). It is built in Turkish time (ⅹⅴⅰ c.) For the needs of the Turkish barracks of the Skopje Kale and the Old Skopje Bazaar. Lit.: K. Petrov, the Aqueduct near Skopje and the problem of his dating, Muddles, 7, Skopje 1998, 86-111; N. Catani – M. Goaks, Green of Study Old Kamenah Bridge and akcome to Serbia, Macedonians and Plege burns, Belgrade, 1961. V. L.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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