Tesowant, Atanas

Tesowant, Atanas (village Tesovo, Neuracosko, 1860 – Peak Alibotusk, 12. 1905) – He participated in the Kresena (1878/79) and the Ilinden Uprising (1903), Duke. He was a member of TMORO, a fighter in the first Agitational Organizational Chief in the Russian District of Ilija Krchwalia. As a neurocopian duke, he persecuted the supreme troops (1901-1902), he fought in the Ilinden Uprising. He died in a fight with the Ottoman army. LIT: Macedonian Alder Revolutionaries, Skopje, 1950. Al. TR. Roman Emperor Tiberius.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТЕШОВАЛИЈАТА, Атанас

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