Terrestrial ecosystems

Land ecosystems – In Macedonia are the most noticeable forest ecosystems, which represent a mosaic of a variable plant groupings with an unrepeatable its own shape. They are more noticeable as much their biomass, which is created by autotrophic organisms through photosynthesis. These plant phytocenoses, discussed together with animals living in them and the large group of saprobiums (fungi, bacteria and invertebrates), included in the processes of decomposition of organic matter, represent complex biocenosis. The huge number of organisms in biocenosis, united with numerous types of links, allow for nutrients and horror connections, through which a constant struggle for space and food takes place. This fucerial system involves the community of all living organisms and the biotop they develop, is designated as an environmental system or ecosystem. There are many terrestrial and guided ecosystems in Macedonia. L. Gr. Men’s Upper Orge Copron

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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