Tachev, Pop Stamen (village Bulgaria, Thessaloniki, 1857 – Thessaloniki, 5.ⅹ 1904) – Priest, a member of TMORO. He was served in the Exarchate Church “St. Dimitrija “in Thessaloniki and President of the Thessaloniki church-school municipality, member of the MoR (1894). Regarding the Thessaloniki affair (1901) was closed in a basement of Kale. After the amnesty (1902), he continued the revolutionary and church activity. Killed by Greek Andarti. Lit.: H. Silatanov, the eligible struggles of Macedonia, and 472, ⅱ. 591. Sofia, 1983. Al. TR.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТАНЧЕВ, поп Стамен