Succession of SFRY.

Succession of the SFRY – Legal Institute regulating the rights and obligations between the state that collapsed SFRY and the newly created states arising from its decay – successors, for the first time mentioned in opinion no. 1 (10. 1991) of the Badinter Commission, which concludes the process of decomposition of SFRY, later in opinion no. 9 (4. ⅵ 1992). The London Conference on Yugoslavia is established a working group on issues of succession. Negotiations on issues of succession (1992-2001) end up by concluding an agreement on the issues of succession (29th ⅵ 2001) in Vienna. The Agreement defines RM, FRY, RBIH, RH and RSL as five equal successors of the SFRY and determines the modalities of the mutual division of: movable and real estate; Diplomatic and consular properties; financial assets and liabilities; archives; pensions; Private property and acquired rights and other rights, interests and obligations. The agreement comes into force in 2004. The division of foreign reserves deposited at the Bank for International Settlements, the funds blocked in US financial institutions, the funds deposited in other financial entities and the regulation of the debt of the USSR to the SFRY, as well as the division of the facilities of the representative offices of the SFRY. An agreement on the issues of succession, 29.ⅵ 2001 “Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia”, 12/02. T. Petr. Sultan Suleiman and Kanuni

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