St. George victorious

St. George victorious” – church in the village. Young Nagoricane, northeast of the godfather church “St. George, Gorna Kozjak, Stip (ⅺ-ⅹⅳ c.) Church “St. George victorious, “s. Young Nagorichane, Kumanovo (ⅹⅴⅰ c.) New. It is a monumental Cross-Brainball Church with three-nave perma, built of stone tetrahite. Dating from the second half of the ⅹⅴⅰ century. The painted program is undertaken by the Staronagoric Church. The richly thematic repertoire is allocated the cycle of St. Gorgi and the cycle of Christ’s miracles in the nave, the cycle of St. Nicholas in the Proskomedia and the cycle of the Virgin in the deaconicon. Wall painting is still unexplored. Lit.: M. Vasiђ, church St.-Рекумна Македономичуни And Znano Age, “Contribution articles, Jesik, historu and folklore,” J, Belgrade, 1930, 1-40; -. Boskoviuђ, Report and Shortke Beleshley SA Packages, “Olderly”, ⅵ, Belgrade, 1931, 176-181; A. Nikolovski, D. Corenkov, K. Balabanov, Thae Towural Monumens Off TePe Peplez Republic of Macdomonia, Skopje, 1961, 85; C. J. -Uniђ, Milusheva and Drinsky Type Churches, “Raska Ballina”, 1, Kraljevo, 1975, 25, NAP. 73. M. M.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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