St. Bisharial Synod of the Macedonian Orthodox Church – the Supreme Authority for all church-spiritual and canonical issues. It is guided by the canonal learning, the regulations of the Holy Orthodox Church, the Constitution of the MOC and other regulations. The Synod works in two composition: a) plenary (full), and b) working (permanent) composition. The plenary consists of: Archbishop – President, and all diocesan and vicaries – members. In the absence of the Archbishop, the oldest after the diocesan bishopyrius presides over the sessions. In a plenary composition, regular sessions twice-dive (May and October), and, if necessary, including extraordinary sessions. A special minutes is conducted for the sessions and sign all members who participated. The working composition consists of Archbishop and two members of the diocesan bishops. Members are with a mandate of two years. The Synod in a working composition oversees the work of executive bodies and bodies of the Archbishopric and Diocesan administration. Ohridski and Macedonian, Skopje, 1994; The same, Stefan Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonian, Skopje, 2000. Rat. Gr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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