St. Athanasius, Kalishta

“St. Athanasius”, Kalishta – Cave Church high in the rocks over the lake of about three hundred meters south of the monastery complex “St. Virgin “in Kalishta. It was built towards the end of ⅹⅳ c. Atanasius. ” The natural impairment of the rock is used for the construction of the church, which from the eastern and south side is closed with a wall of processed stone with Ma-La three-sided apse on the east side. The interior, although with irregular form, is divided into altar and outvisinary space completely frescoed with overview themes. In the altar space, liturgical topics were painted in the apse Bogorodica with Christ and the service of the bishops before Christ Avaze, which continues on the southern and northern wall of the altar, and the eastern wall is gospel and Christ’s Mandille. In the village, compositions of the cycle of large holidays, birth, meters, crucifixion, peacekeepers of Christ’s grave are painted on the vault. In the lowest zone, besides the deisis with Christ, the Virgin and John overpower, the Holy Warriors, the monks, as well as the character of St. Clement and Supported representations of holy women above the front door. Lit.: Cvetan Grozdanov, the wall painting and icon painting in the Struga region, Struga and Struga, Struga, 1970, 337-338; The same, Ohrid wall painting from the ⅹⅳ century, Ohrid, 1980, 158-159. S. C. The frescoes of the porch in the monastery church “St. Atanasius Alexandrian, “s. Krushe, Krushevo (1617)

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СВЕТИ АТАНАСИЈ , Калишта

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