“St. Archangels” – a monastery church in the Canyon of Kukavis River, northwest of the village. Kuceviste (Skopje). At the base, the Church has a form of developed triconhos. The dome through pandani lies on four square pillars. It is built with distinct stone and blistering blocks, bricks and mortar. There are no more reliable historical sources that would indicate the time of building church. According to the preserved inscription over the western entry into the nave, the church was frescoed in 1591, under the critter of Presbyter Nicholas, at the time when the abbot of the monastery was Stephen. In the next 1592 The presbyter Nikola enabled the sharp cross for the iconostasis. The wooden iconostasis icons were worked at the end of ⅹⅴⅰ and in the first half of ⅹⅴⅰⅰ c. Among the preserved, especially attention attracts the icon The Chilas gentlemen, the work of an unknown painter. On the basis of a partially preserved inscription inscribed in the press, it was found that it was frescoed in 1630-31. The author of this paintings is not known. In ⅹⅰⅹ c. “The Hung’s gentlemen,” fresco in the church “St. Archangel “(ⅹⅴⅰⅰ c.) Was made a new wooden iconostasis, at the time when Igumen was Misael. Lit.: P. N. Milóóní, Hristian ancients village Western Macedonians, “Notice Ruszsko Archaeologist Institute in Konstantinopol”, ⅳ-1, Sofia, 1899, 133-134; D. Malet, Ecole Greculje Dans L’AgaRzhiku, Paris Leroil, 1916, 284; Z. Tati ¢, architectural monuments U Skopje Royu burns. St. Arhan-EL Code Kukovista, “Journey Skopje Science, SKOPJE, Skopje, 1926, 351-364; A. Serafimova, doggy monastery “St. Archangels”, Skopje, 2005. K. B.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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