Spirova, Nina

Spirova, Nina (Prilep, 26. ⅹ 1938) – Interpretter of popular music. Fulfilled and recorded famous hits from world authors (J. Geršwin, Mr. Erol, Livingstone, K. Porter, etc.), singing workbacks of Macedonian folk songs (“God to first mention,” “The chicken sings”, ” You do not sell Koljo “IDR.), But the main hallmark left it in the field of popular music. She participated in the first editions of the Skopje Fun Festival. Co-workers with the most famous Macedonian authors and arrangers (D.-Spato, Lj. Brandjolica, etc.). He recorded over 80 compositions of MRT Music production, most of which became hits (“Lake MOO”, “Far End”, “Pelister Eyes”, “On this day,” silent and you “IDR.). M. Cole.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СПИРОВА, Нина

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