Sokolov (Ik) -lamev, Glibegor, Prilep, 17. and 1870 – Prilep, 29. ⅶ 1910) – Participant in the Ilinden Uprising and Serbian Chethetic Duke. Chetar in the CH. Pavlov in Kratovo (1897) and M. Acev in Prilep (1901). Duke of Chief in Prilep (1902). After the Ilinden Uprising, he became Serbian Chethetic Duke in Nitrogen and Poreche. Lit.: H. Sil®Onov, the winning struggles of Macedonia, t. 2, Sophie®, 1983. Al. TR. Victoria Sokolovska
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СОКОЛОВ(ИЌ)-ЉАМЕВ