Smilevski Congress (village Smilevo, Bitola, 19. ⅳ / 2. V – 24. ⅳ / 7. ⅴ 1903) – Congress of the Bitola Revolutionary District of TMORO. 32 delegates took part on him, under the presidency of Damjan (Dame) Gruev. For the provision of Congress, about 2000 armed persons were engaged; The approaches to Smilevo were placed reinforced guard, the place provided the village militia, and the links with the revolutionary centers maintained the courier service. The rebellious disciplinary constitution (20. ⅳ / 3) was adopted and a structure of military and administrative bodies was established and their duties were determined until and at the time of the uprising. The MoR organizations in the cities and villages have received a function of backdrop organs: to perform intelligence activity (for the concentration and the movement of enemy forces), to facximil from the plan for the Ilinden Uprising, adopted by the Smilevan Congress (May 1903) maintain morale among the people and to draw security, to provide care of the NECURI population from the regional actions; To transmit weapons, ammunition and other combat assets, their storage in secret repositories and security; supply and create foods, clothing, footwear, sanitary materials and other needs for entities. The village households were obliged to provide grain for the nutrition of the rebels. In the ultimate need, requisitioned requisitioned by issuing a document for compensation after the liberation from the Macedonian state. The Constitution regulated the status of the rebellion, obliged to defend the interests of its homeland Macedonia
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