
Slavistics – a scientific discipline that deals with the IS-trailing of Slavic languages ​​and cultures; University studies in that area. Conventional for Slavist is considered a scientist studying and someone else (not native) Slov. Language and culture, So: If someone is engaged in Macedonian, e.g., in Poland, we will evaluate it as a glory of Macedonia, but participants in the fifth international seminar on Macedonian language, literature and culture in Ohrid (1971) If a Macedonian is a Macedonian Studies the Macedonian language, it is for us a simple Macedonian. At the Faculty of Philology at UKIM of 1946/47, there is a Department of Slavistics with developed three lines of specialization: Russia (from 1949/50), Polosachi (from 1983/84) and Bohemistry (from 1993/94). There are three-year studies on all three routes (as the second main subject), and in Russia and polosics and four-year studies (as the first major subject). The Department of Slavics coordinates studies in the Eastern and Western Slavic languages, while the studies of South Slavic languages ​​are related appropriately with the Department of Macedonian Language and the Department of Macedonian Literature. Scientific Slavic Production usually does not go out of the circle of various types of teaching aids (manuals, dictionaries, workbooks, etc.) and articles published in specialist magazines in the country and abroad. Since 1976, the Slavic Department issues SP. “Slavic studies” (11 volumes have been out). The Faculty of Philology is connected and the SP. “Folia Blainogergica Macedono-Plain”, which comes alternately in Macedonia and Poland and publishes materials from Macedonian-Polish scientific conferences. In MANU, the SP comes out. “Studios Linguistic Polo-Mercylavica” (until 1991: “Studios Linguisticica Polong-Yugoslavica”), which is also issued alternately in Macedonia and in a pole. The scientific activity in the field of Slavistics encourages the international seminar on Macedonian language, literature and culture, which periodically organizes scientific Macedonian-Russian, Macedonian-Czech, Makedonskoli, Macedonian-Slovenian and other meetings. Z. T.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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