Slavejkov, Petko Rachev (Trnovo, Bulgaria, 17. 1827 – Sofia, 1. ⅶ 1895) – The most prominent Bulgarian Renaissance cultural department, statesman, politician and socialist in the second half of ⅹⅰⅹ c., Poet, translator, publicist and folklorist. He is the most active DECP in church and national political struggles, especially with regard to Macedonia, Macedonian language and Macedonian national manifestations. Editor of c. “Makedonija” (Constantinople, 1866-1872) and other Bulgarian periodicals. Chairman of the Commission for the preparation of Bulgarian textbooks of “Macedonian Charter” (1869) and author of the article on the “Macedonian question” (1871), which first publicly opens the problem of “Macedonianism” and “national separatism”. BIB.: Sischin. Píely sisbrane in 10 volumes. Síst. S. Baeva, El. Dilovska, CV. Macedonian. Under order. of Mr. CAPEU, P. Dinakov, st. Bozhov, and-c, Sofia, 1963-1977 (the full assembly has never been exploited); Sícineans in 8 volumes. Order. College: S. Baeva, D. Jankov, St. Michalova, P. Totev and CV. Uindhieva. SG. OUT P. Dinaequ, Sofia, 1978-1981. Lit.: D. Cosv, Petko Rachev Slaveÿkov, 1-2, Sofia, 1947-1949; St. Slavkova, Daro Slaveÿkov. His life, Sofia, 1957; It, Petko R. Slaveÿov, Sofia, 1959. BL. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СЛАВЕЈКОВ, Петко Рачев