
Skupi (Shotsi – Tolonia Flavia Slavia) – Roman city located 5 km northwest of Skopje in the village. Zlokukani, on the southwest slope of Zaycev Reid, left of the mouth of Lepenec in Vardar. The exact location ordered A. Evans in 1883 Archaeological findings indicate continuous living in the Bronze and Iron time until ⅵ century PR. . is. The beginnings of the Roman city are associated with the breakthrough The locality Skupi of the Roman legions towards the end of the century BC. And the establishment of the province Messia in 15 years. AD At the time of the Folevci, probably during the rule of dominian 84/5 d. He gets the rank of the Self-Governmental Deductive Colony (Tolonia Flavia Slavia) by inhabiting veterans, mainly from the legion ⅶ CLAUDIA. The original settlement is transformed into a complex urban Roman city with all civilian and religious objects that corresponded to the new conditions and occasions. It develops as an important administrative, economic, cultural and transit center of the province of Upper Messia. The city mentions Ptolemy (GeoG. Ⅲ, 9, 4) in the ⅱ century. In the time of Mark Aurelius, in 170 years. Passes the Dakhian tribe of Kosoboki in the penetration towards Aegean. In 268/69, he is devastated by strong Gothic and Herobel set. In Skupi stayed or the kings Hadrian (124/5, septimus north with the son of Carakala (202) and Philip Arabic (244). Towards the end of the ⅲ century it becomes a metropolis of the newly established province of Dardania, and in the ⅳ century it is again experiencing great economic and urban boom. At Tabula Peukentgerian (ⅳ c.), Is presented with the vignette of the Chief Provincial City. Emperor Theodosius and Houses in Skupi in 379 and 388. He issued two imperial plainties. In the Sinegodem of Hihere (ⅵ c.), Is marked as the capital of the province of Dardania. In the ⅳ century it becomes a bishopoly (Mitropolis). The Bishops Paecutorius who participated in Sazar in Serdica (343), Ursilius (458 years) and Yo-Van (494). In 518 He suffered in a catastrophic earthquake noted in the chronicle of Marcellel Commiss. After rebuilding in the ⅵ century, urban living diminated at the end of the century, at the time of Mauricus Tiberius (collective findings of coins that ends in 582/3). As a smaller rural settlement persists until J-ⅺ century. From stratigraphy and urbanism after the establishment of the colony by the end of ⅲ c. The bond has a form of an irregular quadrangle (738 x 590 m) with an area of ​​43 ha. The city is planned according to an orthogonal system. The streets are parallel with the wall walls (SW / Yi-II) and cut at right angles. From the city-BY research is only the theater, in the northern part of the city. An impressive object from which the main contours (scam, parts of the theatrical building and the viewing) were discovered with a luxury marble architectural decoration. He is picked up in the time of Hadrian (ⅱ c.). Throughout the historical development, the city will retain the basic urban scheme of the same placement of construction complexes and buildings, but the dimensions and content of the city quarts have changed in different time periods. When talking about the urban appearance of Skupi, it primarily refers to the appearance of the city in the late ancient period (ⅲ-ⅵ c.). Completely or partially explored several construction complexes and buildings: horeva (public building with a profane function-warehouse, end of ⅲ c.), City Villa-Domus (private residential facility with luxurious decorated walls with fresco decoration and its own floor heating, end of Ⅲ-ⅳ century), a civil basilica (a representative monumental public building with a luxurious architectural decoration and mosaic under, ⅳ century), city bath (ⅳ-century), early Christian basilica (end of V – start of ⅵ century), micro-liter complex (Private residential city-BI, ⅵ century), several buildings with undefined function and part of the street network (Kingo Madzimus, crossroads with two decuman, another cardo and deckuman, ⅳ-century). Outside of all four sides were necropoles and other associated buildings. About 1000 graves (I-ⅳ century) from the southeast and northwestern necropolis, parts of the ancient bridge of Vardar, private villa and Christian basilica in the village. Bardovci. LIT: B. Dragojevic Josifovska, Insperpty de la Mésyie Sunrierure (IMS), WAL. Ⅵ, strippers ET La Reigion de Kumanovo, Belgrade, 1982; I. Mikricic, Skopje with the surrounding fortresses, Skopje, 1982; D. Koranchevic, Scupi, City Territory, Skopje, 2002 L. J. Northwest Necropolis in Skupi

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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