Sirma Duke (Krsteva stress) (village Tresonce, Debar, 1776 – On his way from Prilep for Varos, Prilep, 1864) – Duke of Ajdut Church. According to folk songs, after exceeding all 70 of his comrades in the artic skills, he was elected Duke. He acted as a national protector of Turkish bullies and Albanian climbers mainly on the mountains Stogovo and Krchin. Due to marriage with the Bajrakrother of Velko Spirov (from Krusevo), he retreated from the Aidian life (1818) and lived with him in Prilep. With her, as an 80-year-old old woman, he also met Dimitar Miladinov (1856/7). She was killed by Prilep Turks. Isaana is in several folk songs. Lit.: The Apostle Pop Jovanovski, Sirma Duke, Skopje, 1970, 4; Ilija Jordanovski, Sirma Duke, Skopje, 1980, Ivan Chapovski, Sirma Duke, “Cultural life”, no. 10, Skopje, 1989 and “Nova Makedonija”, JJJVI, 12240, Skopje, 19. ⅱ 1989, 10. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СИРМА ВОЈВОДА