
Siles (Parada, Aigithalida, Ti-Chief Malaya, Remazida) – Families Small Summary Index 19.0 20,7 21,0 22,3 22,7,3,2,29.6 Birds of sub-index of depth dot Birds-Peace Poverty 4,6 5,1 5,7 6,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 ki (ostisiness), which source: State Statistical Office, 2005 minimally acceptable lifestyle in the country they live in. The problem of poverty at the base is associated with four theoretical concepts: the concept of income (monetary) poverty; the concept of basic needs; The concept of abilities and concept of human development. The most common application in practice at the end of 2000, the Republic of Macedonia concluded an arrangement with the IMF, which was a combination of two types of loans: EFF (Euvent Fund Facilitis) and IPRF (Thanks Reduction and Gronth Facilitis), which in the total arrangement took 70% and 30%, respectively. As a loan beneficiary of the IMF under PrGF conditions and credit line from the World Bank under IDA conditions, Macedonia was obliged to prepare a national strategy for poverty reduction. But because of the 2001 military crisis, the government failed to meet the set targets placed in the arrangement, so in November 2001. He was interrupted, and Macedonia was no longer obliged to present the strategy before the IMF borders and the World Bank. Nevertheless, 2002, regardless of its status and title, the domestic public was presented the document “National Strategy for Poverty Reduction in the Republic of Macedonia”. Lit.: M. Rawalion, Totice – Tonicopers and Maasoles, Development Resarezch Group, pla New Bank, Nasashington DC, 2000; E. Thorbezke, Toniceka and Measuerement Usuoes Inn Thanpis Analzosis, Nyder Dissusion Paper But. 2004/04. Helsinki: Uneni-Nyder, 2004. D. E.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СИПКИ

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