Simovski, Andon (Krusevo, 8. ⅵ 1926) – UNIV. Professor. He graduated from the State Institute of Physical Education in Belgrade (1954). Master ‘s Degree at the Medical Faculty in Skopje (1976) with the topic “Physical education in secondary schools in Vardar Macedonia between the two world wars (1918-1941)”, and habilitated at the Faculty of Physical Education in Skopje (1980) with the topic “Methodiecah and Biomechanical Analysis of the technique of Alpian skiing. ” Worked as a representative in Krushevo, he was a professor at the teaching school, director of the Institute for Physical Education in Skopje (1957-1959), a professor in the secondary gymnastics and the High School of Physical Education in Skopje (1959-1978). The Faculty of Physical Education was a senior lecturer and a full professor of the subject methodology of physical education and Act. Dean (1980-1982). He is a famous sports worker and an official. He published more professional and scientific papers. D. S. Todor Simovski.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СИМОВСКИ, Андон